Sunday, January 11, 2009

Homework for Monday, January 12th

For tonight's homework I would like you to read Chapter 6 in your Allyn & Bacon Guide. It's skipping ahead a bit, but Chapter 6 covers Summary and Strong Response writing, the focus of your first essay assignment. Pay particular attention to the criteria for an effective summary on page 119, the explanation of an Rhetorical Critique on page 122, and the explanation of a Ideas Critique on page 124. These are really the meat and potatoes of this chapter, though you'll want to take a good look at the example essays they sprinkle throughout, like Tony Chachere's on said meat and potatoes. Um, anyway.

After you've read the chapter, think back to Tannen and August's essays. Which do you think you feel more strongly about? As you'll notice when you read the chapter, that doesn't necessarily have to be the one you disagree with more - you can have a strong response that is in agreement with the essay you're responding to, but I'll warn you that those run the risk of simply repeating what the author has said. I think you'll have a tougher time writing a powerful strong response if you solely agree with the author. Start thinking about which of the three methods you might want to use for whichever essay you respond to: Ideas Critique, Rhetorical Critique, or the combination of both.

In a blog post, explain which of the two essays you think you'll write on, then look on pages 122 and 124 (at the big yellow boxes with Question-asking Strategies in them). Pick two questions from each group to answer. Spend a decent-sized paragraph on each question, and play around with it. Write whatever you can think of to answer the question and don't worry if what you write isn't that great. The point is to start thinking about the essay in ways you might not have before. Post your blog after you've written a response to a total of four questions - two from the Ideas Critique section and two from the Rhetorical Critique section. The deadline for this post is midnight tonight, please title it "Essay 1 Pre-write".

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