Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Hello, and welcome to the class blog for my English 151 class, Winter Quarter. Once you have created your own blogs, I will have a link to each students' individual blog on the sidebar. During the course of the quarter, you will be expected to keep up with this blog and occasionally read and comment on your classmates' blogs as well. On this page I will post assignments, share pertinent videos, links, etc.

I will go over how to create your own blog during our first class session, so by the time you get to this page you should have created your blog (or at least know how to). Once you have done so, please post a comment on this entry with the address to your blog so I can add it to the class blog. Thanks, and I look forward to spending the quarter with you!


  1. ashleyereed.blogspot.com

  2. My blog site is swilson3.blogspot.com

  3. as733208.blogspot.com
